My Story…on moving on past grief
In 2017, over the span of 12 months, I lost 7 loved ones. Losing my Dad and Father in law was difficult. Losing my favorite uncle and other relatives was not easy. Having 2 back to back miscarriages and then coupled with the news that my mom (now a widow) had cancer really put me in a different headspace. The unexpected death of our beloved Morena, our 45 year old nanny had me look at my life with a giant lens.
At the time, my children were 1 and 3 years old. Our kitchen cabinets were bare. We didn’t have family in Los Angeles, yet, life had to keep well….lifing. I found myself leaning onto a group of mom friends that were now a tribe. Women that pitched in to pick up my son. My friend Wilmarose who sat outside my house for hours, armed with groceries from Trader Joes. An orange tree that my South Bay mom friends helped me plant in honor of my dad. The power of motherhood—- a village, was something I was so blessed with
From these dark days, I decided to start a new journey online, sharing the rawness of motherhood, depression, grief and I called it Avenue Mama. Over time, my therapy was to meet other moms in real life, and I started creating meet ups not knowing that I was actually building community. It was the soil that was the foundation of Avenue Mama.
I then started sharing my love of being my own business owner and over time, started helping other mamas find their footing in business. An organic Coaching Business was born, and I haven’t looked back.
I’ve been a family photographer well over 15 years, and while I love it — nothing brings me quite the same satisfaction as helping another women live out her dreams. I do this work, in honor of Morena— who was gone to soon at 45 years old. I remember talking to my nanny so often about what she was going to do with her life once her son graduated college.
Morena, had put her dreams on hold for her son. And when she was buried, she was wearing the same dress that she wore to his college graduation.
I share this with you to not be sad, but to remind you that life is not a dress rehearsal. Oftentimes, we worry so much about what other people think that it paralyzes us. From my past, I no longer hold fear over trying. I don’t worry about something if it doesn’t work out because I know that trying was for ME— and that’s enough.
If you found me, know that I am the tough love (so they say!) coach that will lovingly push you to not give up on YOUR dreams.
We all have one precious life to live, and I hope you choose to thrive and not hide.
If you decide you want to create new habits in life to meet a new goal, or to FINALLY start/grow your business, I’d be honored to work with you.
Things that make me happy
My toes in any sand, on any beach —with a strong iced coffee and wifi connection please and thank you!
My love language is quality time. I’m the extroverts of extroverts with a love for connecting people.
A dinner party (messy kitchen included) filled with too many appetizers and movie room full of kids down the hall
We just finished visiting Thailand and Vietnam with our 2 kids in April — we can’t wait for our next adventure — I’m thinking Europe 2024!
Mottos in life:
Life is not a Dress Rehearsal
Don’t set yourself on fire, just to keep everyone else warm
Your only competition is who you were yesterday
Mom guilt is real….and so are our dreams