Well hi!

I am so glad you got this letter you wrote to yourself, I can’t wait to here if it was the divine timing to receive it!!

I actually wasn’t sure when I was going to mail it to you — until I ran across this pile this morning.

And I thought…with the new moon (?) it sounded about right!

I have no idea what you wrote on that day that we had our New Year’s Resolutions workshop, but I know it was solid enough to find it’s way back to you.

If I am being honest here, these past 10 months have been the deepest inner work I have done since I don’t even know when. I was faced with inner child work that came out of nowhere to resolve. I know, that was a bomb you weren’t ready for…but if you know me, you know I don’t shy away from talking about growth. In that work, I found a new home for my values and for my dreams and my dreams for women I get to connect with. I am more fueled than ever to help women release any insecurities around being a bad ass ___fill in the blank___ of their life.

However this may find you, hi and hello. How are you? Are you feeling full of life or has life taken some of your joy out? As a bonus for coming to this page, if you haven’t taken advantage of our 1:1 call, I truly would love to have a chat and hear from your heart what you are up to. Sometimes we just need another person to disarm us and let us just…be. Sign up here!

If not, I hang out the most on the gram and on Tiktok, and I am here as a dream doula to help women birth their dreams into reality. And my newsletter is where I liked to spontaneously share exclusive news if you like that sort of thing .

